Thursday, January 20, 2011

Scooby Doo

It was around 2008 when Scooby, our dog, was born. From the moment I saw him, I instantly fell in love with him. He was CUTE, fat and very playful. Plus, he can be very malambing. So, of the three dogs that we have, Scooby is my favorite. I always looked forward to seeing him everytime I come home from school or from work. Scooby was also everyone's favorite. Although he can be scary sometimes (because of his loud barking), most of the kids in our neighborhood really like him. Besides, he is never the kind to bite. Labradors are known to be one of the most friendly dogs. But scooby isn't a pure bred labrador. His pop is a pure lab while his is a mixture of pure bred lab and an askal. But he looks like a pure bred lab to me and I love him so much :)

Since we're all working, we leave Scooby outside in a leash to guard the house. We only let him loose when my Papa or anyone in the house is already back from work. We've gotten used to him being away for a few hours because we know that he needs to do "his" thing. Besides, he deserves to play after being tied up for almost 9 hours. But last night was different. After my Papa released him from his leash and let him go stroll somewhere, he never came back. We kept waiting for him to be back but he still didn't return home. We got tired of waiting because it was already 12mn and we still had work the next day. I was really worried for Scooby that I wasn't able to sleep well. I even cried because I feared that he might be dognapped or worst, DEAD. :( I was praying and hoping that when I wake up, I'll see him playing with our other two dogs, Buddy and Yogi.

When I woke up, he still wasn't home :( So my Papa and our caretaker took the liberty of searching for him. I was taking a bath when I heard him bark. SCOOBY IS BACK!! My Papa saw him quite far from our house just resting and doing nothing. Crazy scooby! Haaaai. But I'm super happy that he's back. According to my Papa, he won't allow scooby to "stroll" for a while. In human term, he is grounded. Hahahaha!

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